Sunday, December 18, 2011

Blue Film Can Turn You Blue - KFC Fiery Tongue Sticky Situation

When I look back to my childhood days at my clandestine juvenile deeds, I laugh over them. This retrospection brings me to a conclusion, that I am equally scared of being caught at my surreptitious undertakings even today.
I am doubtful if Childhood is innocent but Children are undoubtedly curious.
So Behind the drape of this innocence one day we children decided to put an end to our curiosity.

I was in class nine when I and my two friends Mahak and Tamana were in the name of combined studies doing the Gtalk aka girls talk at my home on Sunday. After we were short of topics to discuss, which was the rarest of chance, Tamana interjected, “hey let me show you something girls” she said as she took out science book from her bag, flipped through its pages and picked up a CD between her thumb and fingers.

“Guess what’s in it?” she said rotating the disk.

“What?” I and Mahak said together.

“It’s a blue film” she said.

“What?” I said equally out of surprise and happiness.

“Yes” she said in self-appreciation.
“Where did you get this from?” Mahak asked with eyes wide open.

“Jatin gave me” she said. Jatin was our senior in school who Tamana was recently seeing.

“How is a blue film? What is exactly shown in it?” I asked innocently brimming with curiosity.

“I don’t know. I haven’t seen it yet. He has given this to me just today only.” She said.

“Can we watch it now?” asked Mahak looking at me.

I was floored. “Now? At my home?” I shouted in a low tone.

“Yes” she said.

“The computer is not working.” I said. By the way, it was actually not working.

“Oh!” both sighed in regret.

We all cooled down and looked back in our text books. The idea of watching a blue film was so fascinating to me that I myself was thinking of a way to watch it anyhow.

Apart from three of us only papa was at home. I heard him snoring and idea clicked my mind.

“I have an idea. We can watch it on TV.” I said to them.

“Really?” Tamana jumped out of the bed.

“I’ll bolt papa’s room and then we can watch it.” I said.

“Ok” they both agreed.

I went into papa’s room with cat feet to make sure that he was sleeping. I came out and bolted the door.

Things were peaceful now. It was now time to take feel of a movie. So I went into the kitchen and prepared “act 2” popcorns while they were busy starting the DVD. A bowl of popcorns, three glasses of cold drink and three friends on a couch; a perfect audience for a perfect movie! It was now time to press the play button.

“Ready gals” I said.

Bang! Bang!

“Open the door, open the door” papa was shouting from the room and banging the door hard.

“Papa” I jumped off the sofa with eyes wide open.

“Open the door” he was shouting from inside.

“Finish your cold drink quickly, switch off the TV. and take the popcorns in the room” I said to them with my teeth clenched. Now even cold drink could have been taken inside the room with popcorns but generally only half a mind works in such situations.

Papa’s appeal to open the door was getting louder and my heartbeat too.
Finally TV was off; glasses were in the kitchen and both of them in my room with pop-corns.

I unbolted the door.

“What was going on?” papa asked with his eyes red.

“Nothing papa” I said trying to be innocent.

“Why was my room bolted?” he asked.

“I don’t know” I said.

“It got bolted itself?” he said scoffing at it.

“Oh! Yes, I bolted it.” I said posing to memorise. “Actually I was getting chips from the kitchen and dishes were causing mayhem in the kitchen. I thought you might get disturbed by the sound, so I bolted.” I said not knowing if he’d be convinced by such a lame reason.

He looked at me but didn’t say anything. He walked and sat on the sofa.
“Put the TV on” he said.

I switched the TV on and saw that had we never turned the DVD player off.
“Oh! Why is this player on?” I said to myself loud enough for papa to know why I was bending down.

“Don’t turn it off. Let it be on. I’ll watch a movie” he said.

“Which movie papa? I’ll put the CD” I said like an obedient daughter.

“You go and study. I’ll see myself” he said as he got up.

“You sit papa, I’ll put it for you” I said.

“You go and study. I’ll manage” he said. He was standing at my head now.

Oh god! I got no idea what to do. I saw Mahak peeping from the door and having maths book in her hand.

“Papa, before you start the movie, we have a maths problem. Can you solve it?” I asked.

“Bring it.” He said.

“Mahak, give the book to papa” I said. Mahak looked blankly at me and stood stupefied.

“Mahak, papa will solve that problem of circles. Give him the book”

“Oh yes!” she finally understood. We walked to him and handed over the book.
“Pen? Paper?” he said.

“I’ll bring” I said.

I went inside the room and picked up a pen and notebook.

I deliberately took a long path to reach papa by crossing the TV stand. I dropped the notebook just near the TV. and I bent down to pick the notebook i.e. get the CD out the DVD player. As I was about to press the “open” button, the light went off.

No use of using the long way. I picked up the notebook and reached papa. While papa was explaining the question the electricity was back. The question was over and he relaxed on the couch putting his hands behind his head looking at the TV.

I held Mahak’s hand and made her walk to TV and I again dropped the notebook. It was repetitive but nothing else I could think off. We both bent down. Two people were enough to cover the DVD player so that papa can’t see what’s going on.

I quickly took out the CD.

“Keep it in the book” whispered Mahak.

“Shhh..” I said. I slid it inside my pullover tucking it to the waist of my jeans.
I knew my father. “Bring me the book.” He said. “I’ll tell you which the important questions are.”

Thank god we didn’t hide it in the book. I stood behind mahak so that papa doesn’t even make out anything hard on my belly.

The question was over.

And see the fun, His mood changed and now he was watching news.

We came back to the room and took a long sigh of relief.

“Keep your CD.” I threw the CD at Tamana who was sitting on my bed. “I will not even think of watching a blue film again. I have myself turned blue out of nervousness.”

She kept the CD back into her school bag. It was next day caught by our class teacher in school. What happened with her then is all together a different story.
 But after watching a blue film now I know watching people doing sex isn’t worth the fear I went through that day but…Doing is definitely worth it.


  1. Lol man is it really true ???
    i mean so damn filmy

    but really grippingly written \m/

  2. Wow, what made you write from a girl's perspective?

    Its a good attempt.

  3. @AK Mazumder- Its just like that.
    Based on a real story!
    Thanks for the compliment! :)

  4. Great to read and the suspense was always there :D

    could have been lil more drastic :) but great one :)

  5. ROFLMAO @ the last line!!!
    What happened with the teacher?: O

    Thank God you didn't hide it in the book!!!

    Loved this post!!

  6. @Happy Go Lucky- Will be back with it soon!
